LCW Cabinets and Countertops | Counter Tops
Countertop Materials
Solid Surface
100% acrylic
Pros: inconspicuous waterproof seams, integrated sink bowls, renewable and repairable, naturally resistant to mold, mildew and most stains, consistent patterns and colors, virtually maintenance free, more cost efficient than natural stones, design possibilities limitless
Cons: more expensive than laminate, high sheen option requires maintenance, while scratch and heat resistant not completely immune to damage.
Layers of kraft paper laminated together
Pros: inexpensive, scratch resistant , easy to clean, countless colors/patterns
Cons: bacteria holding seams and crevices, susceptible to water and heat damage, not easily repaired.
Natural stone
Pros: attractive, durable
Cons: pits and crevices between crystals, visible seams, must be sealed, can discolor, samples can differ from actual stone, durable but not indestructible, needs sealing, not easily repaired.
Engineered by grinding quartz then adding pigment and resin binders
Pros: mold and mildew resistant, no sealing, uniform appearance
Cons: visible seams, durable but not indestructible, susceptible to heat damage, not easily repaired.
Cement, tile, and butcher block
These are other options few people pursue. All require upkeep and deteriorate more rapidly than some of the other choices.
LCW Cabinets and Countertops
While Providing a wide variety of countertop options recommends solid surface for it’s proven function and form. LCW employs a trained and certified Wilson Art Gibraltar Fabricator.